My other half had been wanting to go to Semua House to find ribbons that she claimed are sold either cheaper or unavailable elsewhere or something like that. Obviously I did not pay attention. But I just don't like us going to that area of town with two boisterous boys who will not take an instant liking to anything that they see. It's just a bad combination.
The day has finally come and we discussed that we should split: one car will head there and another to Pavilion. No prize for those correct guesses on which car the boys ended up in. The car that headed towards Semua House was a friend's, she dropped by our place to catch up with its occupants and somehow did not mind to be the driver. But before the emporium, my other half had to stopover at Menara KL to make an event on her boss' behalf. The final rendezvous would be at Pavilion. This meant we (passengers of the second car) did not have to leave home so early.
Fast forward to Pavilion, we reunited and had dinner at the food court in the basement. I had Taiwanese, something called spicy salted chicken and it was not that bad. The choices made by the others were not as adventurous, it read like this: grilled Dory with cheese sauce; fettucine carbonara, nasi paprik, char kuey tiaw and popiah. See what I mean? Everyone ate their meal quietly. I was sure they were worn out from the earlier shopping sojourn.
Following the refuel, we climbed up to the topmost floor to the Times bookstore. Our friend needed to pick up some books that she had pre-ordered. No wonder she agreed to drive us. But please, she's a really nice and kind person. Meanwhile, my elder son mysteriously disappeared with her aunt (cum nanny). After some time, he strutted back into the book store, carrying this...

The bag did not have a kiddish look so I did not suspect any foul play at first (Apple iPhone 3GS)
I peeped inside and saw a packaging that I was already very familiar with by now. His aunt had bought him a NERF N-strike Barricade RV-10! Apparently, it was a present from her for his birthday but his birthday had passed. In March. I suspect something amiss but keep it to myself. I could tell that my other half sensed the same but hey, it's a private affair between her sister and her nephew. After all, the damage was only RM75.
The Barricade RV-10 could trace its roots in the 19th century Mauser automatic pistol, considered to be the world's first successful automatic gun. Please don't believe me, I made that up. But seriously, there's semblance. You could argue that anatomically it is far by a mile from the much respected German-made weapon but that's because NERF have made the Barricade sexier by slapping on it a big muzzle and a bigger revolving barrel. But the Mauser is black steel while the Barricade is yellow and orange you say? I think we are not on the same page here...

He was very persistent, the one in the background, to be in the frame (Apple iPhone 3GS)
Powered by three AA batteries, I was impressed with the shot accuracy, compared with the other NERF weapons we store at home. Okay, the bullets still swayed but they were not far off from the target. I also fancy the realistic weight but perhaps a tad front-heavy that holding it for too long will not be good for your wrist. With this latest addition, my elder son is very well equipped to inflict total carnage on my army. (that would be me, myself and I). His arsenal comprises the Stampede ECS, Nite Finder EX-3 and now the Barricade RV-10. Mine is only the Recon CS-6. I have to come up with a plan fast!

I'm very nerfous. Very nerfous and scared (Apple iPhone 3GS)
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